OH YEAH! Floorpunch in July!!! This is going to be an awesome time and i suggest that everyone who lives within 5 hours of this be at this show. Unfortunatly i had missed FP at there last reunion in 07 and i was pretty bummed after seeing how awesome the videos on-line where. Hopefully i'll be able to make up for what i missed in stage dives this year.
Hard and Heavy Hardcore from California. Featuring Zack Delarocha of Rage Against The Machine and Inside out fame on Guitar. Listen to Face Reality and tell me you don't want to mosh. I bet you can't!
Now heres a ripper of a 7" 8 songs 0f full on fast straight forward raw fucking New York hardcore with a mid tempo rock jammer thrown in (War games) Awesome! I saw this band do a reunion in December and they blew me away! This is a must have for any eary NYHC fan. Only 500 pressed!
I thought this was a pretty cool piece of artwork that i figured i would post. It's the OG artwork for the AOQ 10"
I spy -A cow getting slaughtered -A Porno mag -Two guys betting on a dog fight -A stripper -Two gay guys -Two Doctors throwing a baby fetus into the trash -A guy drinking -A guy shooting Heroin -And a Women cowering in the corner with her husband over her